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Noise threshold and color threshold map control

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  • Noise threshold and color threshold map control

    I'd like to be able to control the color threshold, and or noise threshold with a greyscale map. Where I could choose a value for white and a value for black. This would be similar to using the Render Mask set to texture, except not for masking out anything of course, but to control what gets cut off from sampling.

    Where would I use this? I thought of this when using the Progressive image sampler to preview an animation with the cut off of 5 minutes per frame, and noise threshold of 0.01. Too much time was put into areas that were not important that could be left noisy. We use Frischluft for depth of field in After Effects, and it does a great job already of smoothing out the noise in out of focus areas. I would like to have a map, (zdepth, pre-rendered distance blend falloff, gradient, etc) to have VRay put more effort to things that I know will be in focus, and less for that that will be far out of focus. I'd prefer doing this instead of rendering different passes for objects of different depths and then comping together. For animations, more time could be spent cleaning up the important parts of the image instead of making a blade of grass clean and smooth, that will be blurred in the background in post.

    Not sure if this is at all possible, just thought it would be a render time reduction for those that do DoF in post.

  • #2

    Ha.. Deja vu!

