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Evaluation Mode Parallel seems to make problems

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  • Evaluation Mode Parallel seems to make problems

    Hi Chaosgroup,

    in past weeks we have encountered the problem that when we animate e.g. the intensity of a dome light or animated the visibility of a object or use the "Use Image sequence" function in a file node and delete the expression and hand keyframe the Image number value, VRay did not recognize the animation.

    After some testing we found that changing the evaluation mode from parallel to DG fix the problem.

    First thought that this is a general Maya bug and contact AD, but it seems to be VRay specific.

    We use the lastest VRay for Maya version 3.6.003 and Maya 2018.2 under Windows 7.

    We have prepared a scene with a blinn and VRayLightMat that we could upload. Do you have a non-public upload site?


  • #2
    Yo can send the file to with a link to the forum thread. We will have a look at the issue and get back to you when we have some more information.
    Thank you for your feedback.
    Ivan Shaykov


    • #3
      Okay. Just send a email to support with a download link to the scene.

      If you need any more info, please reply.



      • #4
        Thanks for the scene, it actually made it really obvious for us. This seems to be a bug in our export when using the Parallel evaluation mode. I've made a note for the devs to look into this, but I can't give you any ETA for a fix.
        Is using DG a viable workaround for you?
        Alex Yolov
        Product Manager
        V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


        • #5
          Actually, if you're using the custom animation for the frame extension, you might also consider using custom expressions instead. Something like if (`currentTime -q`) > value1 { frame extension = something1} else {something2};.
          Last edited by yolov; 26-04-2018, 08:17 AM.
          Alex Yolov
          Product Manager
          V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


          • #6
            Glad we could helped.

            It is not comfortable, as you have to check that everything render client is set to DG, but we can get along with it.

            Thanks for the expression hint. Keyframing the frame extension is the easy for our animators and you can shift around the curve in the editor without knowing any code

